Top 10 Richest Person In The World 2023-2024

Top 10 Richest Person In The World 2023-2024

Kanchan Kanchan . Updated : January 08, 2024
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Who are the top 10 richest people in the world?(January 2024)

  1. Elon Musk
  2. Bernard Arnault
  3. Jeff Bezos
  4. Larry Ellison
  5. Mark Zuckerberg
  6. Bill Gates
  7. Warren Buffett
  8. Larry Page
  9. Sergey Brin
  10. Steve Ballmer

1. Elon Musk

   - Net worth: $251.3 billion
   - CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and the social media ninja X (formerly Twitter).
   - Musk's fortune soared by $6 billion in December 2023. Watch out, universe!

2. Bernard Arnault

   - Net worth: $200.7 billion
   - The fashion mogul behind LVMH. The guy who brought you Louis Vuitton and a gazillion other luxury brands.

3. Jeff Bezos

   - Net worth: $168.4 billion
   - Amazon kingpin and occasional space traveler. Still wondering if he delivers packages to the moon.

4. Larry Ellison

   - Net worth: $135.3 billion
   - Oracle wizard who once owned an entire Hawaiian island. Lost $11.2 billion, blame it on the tech rollercoaster.

5. Mark Zuckerberg

   - Net worth: $125.3 billion
   - Meta (formerly Facebook). Jumped 9% in December, making him even more sociable.

6. Bill Gates

   - Net worth: $119.6 billion
   - Microsoft maestro turned philanthropist. Still consulting with Microsoft – because who can resist tech talk?

Top 10 richest person in the world 2023-2024

7. Warren Buffett

   - Net worth: $118.6 billion
   - The "Oracle of Omaha" with a sweet tooth for Dairy Queen. Donated a cool $51.5 billion so far.

8. Larry Page

   - Net worth: $117.2 billion
   - Google guru and Alphabet board member.

9. Sergey Brin

   - Net worth: $112.4 billion
   - Google cofounder and space explorer. Immigrant success story and Parkinson's research champion.

10. Steve Ballmer

    - Net worth: $112.2 billion
    - Microsoft alumni, now Clippers owner. Still in the game despite a $600 million drop.

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  1. Anonymous
    Who Are the Top 10 Richest People in the World?

    The top 10 richest people in the world as of Jan. 2, 2024, are:

    1.Elon Musk
    2.Bernard Arnault
    3.Jeff Bezos
    4.Bill Gates
    5.Steve Ballmer
    6.Mark Zuckerberg
    7.Larry Page
    8.Larry Ellison
    9.Sergey Brin
    10.Warren Buffett

    Who Is the World's Richest Man in 2024?

    As of Jan. 2, 2024, the world's richest man is Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.
  2. Anonymous
  3. Anonymous
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